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Learn more about NOETON
Frequently asked questions
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  • NOETON Ltd. is an environmental technology company focused on developing innovative solutions to reduce particulate emissions from wood-burning stoves and fireplaces. Our mission is to improve air quality and reduce health risks associated with wood smoke.

  • Our primary product is the NOETON Emission Catcher, a device designed to significantly reduce particulate emissions from household stoves and fireplaces.

  • The NOETON Emission Catcher is installed directly into the stove or fireplace. It effectively captures and destroys particulate matter, reducing emissions by up to 90%.

  • Particulate emissions from wood burning contribute to poor air quality, which can cause serious health issues such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Reducing these emissions helps protect both human health and the environment.

    • Improved Air Quality: Reduces harmful particulate matter in the air.
    • Healthier Environment: Lowers the risk of health problems associated with wood smoke.
    • Cost-Effective: Competitive pricing compared to other technologies.
    • Maintenance-Free: No ongoing maintenance required.
  • The emission catcher is designed to be easily installed by professionals into new or later existing wood-burning stoves and fireplaces.

  • No, the NOETON Emission Catcher is designed to be maintenance-free, providing a hassle-free solution for homeowners.

  • Our product has undergone extensive testing, including EMC and environmental condition tests. It has been validated using the latest EN-PME measurement standards, and we have also conducted validation tests in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland.

  • We plan to launch the NOETON Emission Catcher commercially in the second half of 2024.

  • Currently, our focus is on integrating the emission catcher into new stoves and fireplaces. However, we are working on developing a retrofit version for existing units, expected to be ready by 2025.

  • Once commercially available, our product can be purchased through partnering stove and fireplace manufacturers. Stay tuned for more details on our website.

  • Our product reduces harmful emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment. By reducing particulate matter, we help mitigate climate change and support overall environmental sustainability.

  • You can reach us via email at Visit our Contact page for more details.

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